Our Success Stories
Before we signed Hannah (5 years old) up for abacus lessons, it has been a struggle to explain maths to her, but she is much better now using abacus set of skill. I am glad to see her progress class and hope she will continue to have the interest.

Hui Ping
ParentMy daughter, Minthira, has been with Shenmo for about 2 years plus. She is enrolled in both Mental Arithmetic and 6F Full Brain Training.
During this time, we can see that apart from her calculation skills she has made great improvement in her confidence, focus and concentration. Her memory has also improved greatly. I would never have imagined that she could now memorise 370 Pi numbers and the numbers are increasing with practice as the days goes by. I believe this has got to do with the 6F Full Brain Training which focuses on developing and stimulating brain potential.
Throughout her 2 years at Shenmo, what impressed me the most was the dedication and patience of the teachers. If students make mistake in their work, it’s part of the learning journey. They are very encouraging and positive towards the student’s learning journey and mental well-being.
Assignments and daily practice are submitted through a Whatsapp chat group and the teachers’ comments on their work. I can truly feel the effort and patience that the teachers have put in, in order to achieve this. Through this chat group we witnessed the improvement of not only our child but other children as well.
Last but not least, I sincerely thank all teachers of Shenmo Singapore in mining the potential of our children. With Shenmo I am sure my child is in good hands.

ParentThe 4 lessons of Shenmo Mental Arithmetic for Parents that I had the honour of attending has been nothing short of being amazing. Through personally experiencing the lesson, I learned to empathise with my child and set realistic expectation of them. Understanding their difficulty instead of pushing them blindly is definitely a very important aspect to helping them grow and improve.
Principal Wei started off with the introduction, basic calculation using abacus, the history of abacus, to doing the exercises that our child is given every week. It gave us a very good insight to how the classes are conducted and it’s progression. She also touched on the benefits of learning mental arithmetic which I couldn’t agree more. I was pleasantly surprised that it’s not only mathematics that they will benefit on but many other aspects of their growing up journey.
Principal Wei also shares with us her knowledge and experience on tacking some common issues parents have with their children and why Teacher and Parents co-operation is crucial to the child’s learning journey. I cannot be more appreciative of the effort Principal Wei, Teacher Tiffany and Shenmo Singapore for arranging this course for the parents. I totally feel that they are very dedicated and concerned towards the well-being and progress of our child.

ParentI think the “Abacus Learning for Parents” has been very useful to understand what my child is going through in Shenmo. And know how to guide him and encourage him when he encounters difficulties. I think more importantly, the class helps me to appreciate the importance of practising abacus to not just improve his arithmetic and metal capability, but also the skills that he learnt will affect him for the rest of his life.
It also creates a better awareness of my influence on his long-term development and growth.

Chin Beng
ParentShenmo programmes have been a big part of Jeryl’s childhood development. Through the programmes, not only did he grow accustomed to basic arithmetic at a very young age that ease his transition into the school maths curriculum, the programmes also significantly improved his ability to think through and overcome the problems he faced more quickly and creatively. I have witnessed the transformation in Jeryl, and I definitely recommend others to experience the power of the Shenmo programmes for yourselves!

Jeryl's Daddy
ParentMy daughter started taking Abacus with Shenmo before going to Primary School and this has helped her develop a love for mathematics from a tender young age. She doesn’t have a fear of seeing large numbers when doing her school work. Learning abacus has also helped her hone her level of concentration, develop her hand-eye coordination and cognitive skills. She also gets along well with the teachers at Shenmo whose dedication and patience are a great part of her happy learning journey today.

Parent我在一个偶然的机会认识了神墨教育中心, 也认识了魏老师, 她告诉到神墨学习的种种好处,我了解之后就决定把我的孩子佳恒送到这里来与小朋友一起学习, 一起成长,没想到在短短的一个月的时间里佳恒那么愿意并期待每个星期六的到来,无非就是想来上课。虽然我们的收入都不高,但是,我和我先生都很愿意扛起这笔学习的费用,他能有这样的一位好老师和优越的学习环境,我们都感到很安慰。 难得佳恒自己要求要上完整个珠心算课程, 我们也不忍心让他失望,可见他在这里找到了他的爱好兴趣以及快乐,这是为人父母所想看到的,我也相信,这是魏老师的功劳,还有神墨的那股力量是他来到这里的原因。

Parent神墨书画真的很神奇,我的孩子很喜欢画画,但总是乱乱画,他能说出自己画的内容,但画出的画真的很不生动, 画面乱, 形象差,也不美,自从上了神墨的智绘鱼后,进步真的很大,不论在颜色的运用,还是在绘画的技巧方面都进步的很明显,他现在越来越喜欢画画, 回家后还当小老师, 教小姨们画画,画面也真是出乎我的意料,有时我会想: “ 这真的是他画的吗?” 当我亲眼看到从他手中画出的这些形象之后, 我才真的相信! 神墨书画真是太棒了!

Parent以前我非常紧张孩子的数学, 也不知道该怎么教他, 刚开始教10以内的加减法都教到我头发要站起来,手和脚都拿出来用都算不过来,自从学珠心算以后, 短短几个月时间, 他能进行百位数的加减法,而且能用心算做出来,我真是太震撼了! 特别高兴的是有一次朋友们在算机票费用时说了一句: “哇, 好难算,我算不出来”,我的孩子一听到这句话就马上说: “我来帮你算,我会心算!”, 自信之情溢于言表! 我非常高兴他的表现!
今年他上小学一年级了, 第一个学期的数学考试拿满分,他很高兴地告诉我: “因为我学了珠心算, 我会心算,所以感觉数学很容易”, 我真的很高兴,希望他能继续努力, 神墨的珠心算课程,生动有趣,让他一直保持学习的兴趣。

Parent很荣幸与大家分享骏浩上珠心算课的经验和收获,那年骏浩上K2,学校有珠心算课, 于是就报名让他参加,让他尝试一下, 当时骏浩很顽皮,还把慧婷老师的书画得一团糟, 托管老师还惩罚骏浩写很多遍的字,第二年骏浩上一年级, 因为家离神墨中心很远,所以我们决定不再继续上课。
有次有机会上了一堂体验课, 骏浩非常喜欢,当时魏老师还给我讲了很多珠心算对孩子将来的好处,加上骏浩要求要上课,我就决定让他继续学习。之后无论刮风下雨,我们依然坚持, 有几次真的有点累, 不想让他再学了,俊浩也因为有些难题不能克服,想要放弃, 是在那一刻魏老师为我们家长开了四节免费体验课, 不体验不知道,这一体验让我不再反对, 反而大力支持! 学习珠心算前期的确很辛苦, 但需要坚持, 最终会看到成果!
不止在学习上, 有时骏浩有时不听话, 作业做不好, 我拿他没办法, 都会请教魏老师, 魏老师总是给予我一些指导, 从那之后, 骏浩改变了很多。后来也为他报名参加6F全脑训练课程。骏浩在今年有了很大的变化,从不听话到听话,从爱顶嘴到服从, 从不认真到认真, 从不积极学习到自动自发,学校的各课成绩也提高了很多! 连他一向不喜欢的英文,现在他也非常愿意学习了! 这都是珠心算和6F的魅力,这两个课程锻炼了孩子们的记忆力, 注意力,想象力和自信心!

Chang Yan
Wai Leng

(中文) Wai Leng
(中文) 家长In Abacus Class, I learnt that we need to be fast and accurate. I am happy that my my teacher teach me well and I enjoying promoting to higher level by concentrating and focusing hard. In the future I wish to have more kids join us and we can have fun together.

Athena Wee
Primary 2I have been learning Shenmo Abacus and 6F Full Brain Training for almost two years. Every lesson is fun and unique, I am now more knowledgeable and focused since I join Shenmo classes.
I have learnt a lot of things. The teachers teach the lessons in a very fun and interesting ways. I hope Shenmo will continue to grow, and more and more friends will start joining this fun learning experience together.

Cheah Kai Ze
Primary 2My name is Cheng Wei, I am 10 years old, and I have learnt abacus for 2 years. Learning Abacus has helped me a lot at Maths. Once my Maths teacher in school gave me a wrong score for my test, I used mental calculations to check and had my teacher to edit my test result to the correct score. When I make a mistake in class, the teachers will correct me patiently and kindly. Thank you Teachers!

Liu Cheng Wei
Primary 5I have been training in abacus for 6 years already. From abacus training, I learnt a lot about perseverance and gaining knowledge, because you cannot gain knowledge without failing and hard work.
It has been a fun learning experience; I have met a lot of nice classmates who helped me along the way. The way they encourage me by being better than me! It makes me want to become better than them, and that’s how we are always “fighting” against one another.
The teachers at Shenmo are caring, patient and helpful. At times when I did not do my work, they just give me a scolding. They care more about our mental wellbeing, and our feelings. They are nice and friendly, and easy to communicate with. So, I hope Singapore Shenmo will become more successful, and that more children in Singapore will come and join us.

Brianna Luo
Primary 5(中文)

(中文) 任俊宇
(中文) 珠心算学生(中国)