Formative Years
Brains are built, not Born.
Brains are built over time, from the bottom up.
While the brain cells are formed before birth, the connections, the wiring that forms the architecture happens in infancy and early childhood. And how that wiring is formed, either as a strong or weak foundation depends on each child’s interactions with the world around him/her.
Every experience a baby has forms a neural connection in the brain. Every connection a baby has focuses on neural connections in the brain. Every connection forms 700 synapses per second during a child’s early years!
They connect brain cells and form a network that influences everything from the intellectual capacity to problem-solving to language.

Center on the Developing Child
The brain’s capacity for change decreases with age and is most flexible, or “plastic” early in life to accommodate a wide range of environments and interactions.
Research has shown that early years are the best time for learning and Shenmo pedagogy is optimized for early childhood brain development, targeting not just education but also mastery of skills that will stay with them throughout their life.
Harvard University
The synapses that form for vision and hearing peak in just 4 month

Neural connections for Language peak around 9 month
Higher cognitive functions around 1 year