How does learning Abacus lead to Brian Development?
Traditional Vs New Variant
There are a variety of abacus related training, but not all progress to mental arithmetic and not all involve the use of both brain hemispheres.
Adapting the traditional method through Shenmo unique lessons, our students are exposed to the double hand and double hemisphere training which allow them to advance quickly from physical counting to mental arithmetic.

Physical Abacus to Mental Arithmetic
The practice of Abacus Mental Arithmetic refers to the ability and skills to perform mathematical calculations on the physical abacus and then gradually being able to visualise the operations of the abacus within the mind. This intellectual ability is the result of trained operations on the abacus.
With practice, the mind is developed enough to perform mental calculations without the physical abacus. In essence, mastering the physical abacus is a prerequisite for mastering Mental Arithmetic, which is the ultimate goal of Abacus teaching and learning.
Mental Arithmetic 心算 is an extension of Abacus computation
Improving Intellectual Development of Children.
Both the left and right hemispheres of the brain govern different functions.The left brain perceives the numbers in abacus training, while the right brain processes the visual representation of the mental calculation and delivers the results to the left brain. As a result, abacus training stimulates the infrequently used right brain, resulting in a more balanced development of both hemispheres of the brain. People with a developed right hemisphere of the brain are highly imaginative and creative in all areas of life.

Tangible Structured Object
Young Learners from ages 4-12 are imaginative and mostly visual learners. They are good at mimicking the actions of others and are able to form lasting impressions of their experiences. Through the manual computation on the abacus, these operations are imprinted in their minds and our young learners find it easy to pick up and master the Abacus.
Shenmo’s simple techniques allow our students to pick up the abacus skill easily, by undergoing constant visual computation training, our students mental capacity increases as we also incorporate full brain training principals throughout our lessons.

Benefits Of Learning Abacus For Preschoolers
- Improves their understanding of simple math concepts
- Strengthens both sides of the brain
- Promotes creativity and imagination
- Sharpens listening skills
- Increases memory power
- Develops concentration and attention
- Prepares your child for Primary) math

Other history
The Abacus itself provides a hands-on training tool that stimulates both the kinesthetic and visual centers in the brain. However, one of the main advantages it provides is the cultivation of mental math, so that with training a student can eventually visualize and calculate mentally without the physical tool.
Most veterans of westernized education systems spend years solving countless math equations with pencil and paper, only to rely on a calculator when it comes to finances or budgets in adulthood. With mental math training, on the other hand, elementary school children are able to multiply 4-digit numbers like 4387 x 9836 with dizzying rapidity. Instead of memorizing equations and rules of thumb, students can strengthen not just their memory, but their levels of concentration and visualization. Whereas western curriculum tends to categorize subjects to emphasize the left or right side of the brain, mental math is built on a holistic, whole-brain approach. In most schools today, there is an obvious split between students who excel in math and science versus those who perform well in language or the arts. Studies show that when we activate both sides of the brain, incorporating both logic and creativity, we can actually enhance not just mathematical processing, but overall ingenuity and problem-solving skills.